Delilah Praete /?output=FEED&user_id=108020&about=1&r=4 en Delilah Praete Fri, 27 Jan 2017 00:00:00 +0000 Energy EFT Master Practitioner Course Review by Delilah Praete Delilah Praete writes: "The EFT Masters Distance Learning Certification Course was an absolutely wonderful experience for me. I came to the course with some experience as an EFT client. My experience as a client was a great one and was filled with wonderful breakthroughs. I had hoped to take the course with the Coach/Instructor that I had worked with as a client but my life is so demanding at this time and I wasn't able to get away and take the course with her. I searched for a Distance Learning Course and found a couple but was wholly unimpressed with what I encountered. When I found what was previously the GoE Energy EFT Masters Distance Learning Certification Course designed by Dr. Sylvia Hartman I felt that I had found a truly worthy course worth my time and effort. And I can say with certainty that I was not mistaken in my assessment. On a practical level I was grateful to be able to take the course while staying home because I am the main and full time caretaker of my elderly mother, I have my own health challenges, and I had a very sick dog at the time. I also have a thriving private practice as a psychotherapist and Sedona Method Coach and these things combined made it virtually impossible for me to get away for the in-person course. Because of the demands of my life I found it a bit challenging to read and study the Units and complete the assignments as efficiently or expeditiously as I would have liked. But there were advantages for me in this. I found that I would read and re-read, view and re-view the material a couple of times so that I was thoroughly familiar and comfortable with the concepts and interventions before sending in my completed Units. I have mentioned more than once to Kelly Burch, my mentor, that I could not imagine how folks can get through the course in a few days with any confidence when taking it in-person because the course is so rich with information and processes. As an "already" energy practitioner I found the course to be so incredibly on point. I had never really heard of or seen anyone talk about this modality with regard to the energetic aspects as thoroughly as Sylvia does. Yes, people talk about the tapping points and discuss the very rudimentary function of tapping and how it addresses energy blockage and balance and displacement but Sylvia's deep understanding of energy and the way she teaches us how to work with it was clear and illuminating and very meaningful for me. I feel that I can work with people in a way that completely bypasses any of the typical challenges that come up when trying to address what might be either difficult to access or understand, overwhelming for the client, or even what might have appeared impossible to evolve in some truly meaningful way previously. In my work as a client with the person I mentioned above I was not offered many of the different ways to tap that I have learned about in this course. I am so glad that I took this course. I never once thought that the course was a waste of my time. In fact I found the course to not only be helpful in teaching me things that I can explore with my clients but it also helped me to have really important breakthroughs personally. I have always had to push through my day to get things done that needed doing both personally and professionally. Now I not only feel like that is not the case so much anymore but if there is a bit of any feeling of internal or external impediment I am able to tap and dissolve internal energy disruption very efficiently. My mother has had a few really hard health hurdles to get through since I began the course and tapping has helped me to be available to her more calmly and "coherently". I have had to help her to navigate through some very difficult and complicated medical decisions and surgeries, changes and additions in medications and diet, and assistance in daily activities. It's been easier for me to handle the new changes and help her to handle them with more ease as well. My ability to communicate with her in a way that is easier for both of us regarding clarity and understanding on both our sides has emerged as a result of my tapping for myself and for her. There are other benefits that I have experienced through tapping that involve my relationship with my husband and friends. I don't feel like I have to push myself or others so much in those relationships. My work with my clients has improved greatly. I feel much more relaxed there as well. I had the opportunity to work with a 14 year old during the time I have been taking this course. I have worked with young people before but she was the youngest. I am 63 now but when I first worked with this young girl I was 62 and I remember feeling "too old" to have anything to offer such a young girl. I remember thinking the thought, "What do I have to offer her?" I tapped before my first session with her on that thought and others and on young energy, teenage energy, fun energy, healing energy, supportive energy, creative energy, loving energy, cosmic energy, and continued to tap before each session with her. The entire time I worked with this young girl was very enjoyable for me and she reported that it was very helpful for her. She confirmed this by telling me about the changes in her experiences of herself and others. I continue to tap before my sessions with clients and this helps me to come to the work energised and fully present. I am so grateful for Silvia and the things she is teaching and sharing about energy work. I am also very grateful for my mentor Kelly Burch who was very supportive, patient. efficient, and very helpful. Kelly shared instructional videos on tapping on an Aspect and then on Tapping on Entities and both were very illuminating. The videos were the first I got to see Kelly as "an embodied whole real person" and I found her to be very knowledgeable, delightful, skilled, a great communicator. All in all if I were to place the EFT Masters Distant Learning Certification Course on the SUES I easily would place it at a +15 and on the Love Scale at a +15 as well." Wed, 25 Jan 2017 00:00:00 +0000 certification-108020-eft_master_practitioner Energy EFT Master Practitioner BIG +10 congratulations to Delilah Praete for completing Energy EFT Master Practitioner with GoE trainer Kelly Burch!